Paulownia Elongata

Paulownia Elongata is a wild species produced by Paulownia Professional S.L., also known as “Elongated Paulownia“. We are a nursery producer of Paulownia Elongata and supply seedlings and trees of this Paulownia variety in various formats. It is a spectacular tree for ornamental cultivation and highly valued for quality wood production. Over time, P. Elongata has also become one of the most popular species for the production of lightweight, durable, and highly commercial wood.

At Paulownia Professional®, we offer a variety of formats for purchasing seedlings and trees of Paulownia Elongata. We specialize in the production and commercialization of different Paulownia species. We ship throughout Spain, Europe, and other countries worldwide, making the transportation of your order easy.

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Paulownia Elongata

It is one of the oldest species of Paulownia that have been described, and has been preferred for years for its therapeutic properties. It is thermophilic, fast-growing, with a straight trunk and a slightly elongated, medium-sized spherical crown, whose flowering is white with a touch of purple and violet.

Our team of experts can guide you through the entire process, provide instructions, cultivation manuals, and offer advice in creating a customized business plan based on growing conditions and expectations.


  • Which is the ideal climate zone for Paulownia Elongata?

    The ideal climatic zone for the cultivation of P. Elongata is Central Europe, Southern Europe, oceanic climate, Mediterranean climate, continental climate, and high mountain climate. Despite being adaptable, it thrives best in countries with warm seasons such as Italy, Spain, Croatia, and North Africa.

  • What does "thermophilic" mean?

    Thermophilic organisms are capable of surviving, developing, and thriving in very high temperatures or very warm climates as long as they have access to water. It is due to this characteristic that P. Elongata is such an adaptable, resilient species that tolerates extreme heat very well.

  • When to harvest Paulownia Elongata wood?

    The fast growth metabolism allows for the harvesting of Paulownia Elongata wood to take place in 9 or 10 years. This always depends on the cultivation conditions and the objectives of the plantation.

  • Can I use Paulownia Elongata for therapeutic purposes?

    Yes, its leaves are saturated with proteins and beneficial compounds for health that are used in medicines, creams, and other products. Additionally, as a melliferous tree, its nectar is also extracted to produce honey, which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

  • In what formats can I buy Paulownia Elongata?

    Green Plant in pot format from 350 ml to 5 L. Petted Stump format from 350 ml to 5 L. Stump Bare-root in sizes M, L, XL, and XXL. Bare-root Tree from 2m to 6m.

  • I am outside of Spain; can I purchase your products?

    Yes, of course. Our extensive experience allows us to work with safe and efficient transportation companies to make air, sea, or land shipments worldwide.

  • I want to receive personalized consultation

    You can directly contact us via email at or send a message.