Seasonal format

At Paulownia Professional S.L., we are the leading supplier of Paulownia plants and trees in Europe. We offer different formats, divided according to their characteristics and supply seasons. We have a variety of Paulownia available in formats such as green plant in pot, Stump in pot, bare-root Stump, and bare-root Paulownia trees. The formats are associated with the spring/summer and fall/winter seasons.

Our Paulownia varieties in green plant in pot and Stump in pot formats are available in 350ml, 600ml, 2L, and 5L volumes. Our bare-root Stump format is available in sizes M, L, XL, and XXL. As for the trees we sell, depending on availability, they can range from 1.5m to 6m in height. You can select the appropriate format according to the supply season and cultivation objectives.

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Seasonal format

We offer personalized advice to customers who wish to start their own Paulownia cultivation, cultivation manuals, assistance, and technical support throughout the process. We have experts who will accompany you at all times, from choosing the Paulownia variety and format that best suit your geographical area, to creating a customized business plan according to your projections.


  • What is the "Green Plant" format?

    The "Green Plant" format basically consists of first-year Paulownia specimens that we provide in pots. These plants have a developed root system, green stem, and leaves, which visually resemble a sunflower. Trees in this format require more delicate and precise handling. We work with pots of 600 ml, pots of 2 liters, pots of 5 liters. They are supplied with a height between 15 cm and 60 cm.

  • What is the "Stump" format?

    We divide the Stump format into two production lines: Bare-root Stump are Stumps in size M (tree removed from pot and substrate-free), L, XL, XXL (trees removed from the production field). Stump in Pot, pot 300 ml, pot P9 600 ml, pot 2 liters, pot 3.5 liters, pot 5 liters.

  • What is the "Tree" format?

    The Paulownia trees handled by our company come in different varieties and sizes, and are provided bare-rooted. The age of the trees we supply ranges from 1 to 3 years, they have a developed root system, a lignified trunk, in most cases they do not have lateral branches, and are supplied in trunk and root format. This allows us, at the beginning of the new growing season, for the branches to sprout all along the trunk and to select the ones that are most suitable for forming the crown of the Paulownia.

  • In which season do you supply the Stump format?

    The potted Stump format is supplied from September to April, and the bare-root Stump format is supplied from November to March.

  • In which season do you supply the Green Plant format?

    The Green Plant format is supplied from early April to late August.

  • In what season do you supply the Tree format?

    The Tree format or Lignified Tree format is supplied from late September to late March. It is provided bare-rooted.

  • Do you offer personalized advice?

    Yes, at Paulownia Professional S.L. we offer personalized advice at every step of the process. Additionally, we provide cultivation manuals and detailed instructions for each purchased Paulownia format.